Permanent Endowment

Open An Individual Endowment
Opening a JCFW Individual Endowment assures your giving will continue from today through all of your tomorrows. An endowment fund is permanent and designed to continue generating grants in perpetuity. Each year, four percent (4%) of the three-year average balance in the endowment is made available for distribution. You may choose who receives the distribution each year or choose to support one or more organizations in perpetuity when you establish the endowment.
Endowments can be established in several ways:
- It can be an advised fund making contributions to multiple nonprofits at the advisor (s) recommendations
- It can be set up as a field of interest, allowing JCFW to solicit grant applications for programs and projects we fund
- It can be a designated fund, helping an organization with a program, or a general fund in perpetuity.
JCFW can assist you in determining the best way for you to establish an endowment. We can accept the following gift (*some gifts may be subject to board approval):
- Checks
- Stocks. Bonds, & Mutual Funds
- Life Insurance policies
- Bequests
- Trusts
- Retirement accounts
- Real Estate*
We ask that you open your Individual Endowment Fund with a minimum of $10,000.
View a complete list of endowments at the Jewish Community Foundation of The West and donate to an existing fund.
Please contact for more information on the process.