Scholarships & Grants

Scholarships & Grant-making Is At The Heart Of What We Do
Carry Cohn Jewish Education Fund
This fund was established as a tribute to Carry Cohn whose commitment to Jewish Education and Values has been a driving force and inspiration in the Sacramento community for generations. The fund has been designed to encourage and assist young adults in the greater Sacramento region (including the Tahoe/Truckee area, Chico, and other regions where JCFW has donors or in which it operates) who are interested in deepening their commitment to a better Jewish future by advancing their Jewish education.
Transportation Support for the Jewish Elderly
This fund is designed to facilitate the transportation needs of the Jewish community. Qualified applicants will need to be Jewish 501(c)(3) organizations in the Greater Sacramento area.
Madeline Rosenthal Goodwin Memorial Scholarship
Theodore and Susan Goodwin established this fund in memory of Theodore’s late mother, Madeline, who was a lifelong community activist as well as a strong believer in education and community service. The Scholarship is designed to support students who are pursuing a career path to improve society in such fields as community development, the needs of a particular community or population, counseling, education, environmental protection, and innovative social or economic development. The scholarship will be awarded to a student who has demonstrated a commitment to Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) and is a resident of the Greater Sacramento region.
Phillips Campership Endowment Fund
This fund is designed to support Jewish Summer Camps in the greater Sacramento area. Qualified applicants will be Jewish 501(c)(3) organizations running summer camp programs.
William and Sedell Belson
Campership Endowment Fund
This fund was founded to support Jewish Summer Camps in the greater Sacramento area. Qualified applicants will be Jewish 501(c)(3) organizations running summer camp programs.
William Belson Memorial Scholarship Fund
This fund was developed to provide need-based scholarships to students attending Shalom School in Sacramento, California, or other need-based scholarships for students attending institutions of Jewish Learning in the greater Sacramento area. Qualified applicants will be Jewish 501(c)(3) organizations running educational programs between August and July.
Application Requirements:
- A letter of request, not more than two pages. The letter should include the name and brief description of the program the applicant is attending or wishes to attend; the educational goal of the program and how the applicant feels this experience will shape her/his Jewish life. This should also include any future community activities due to participation in this program.
- A statement of financial need for the grant. This can come from a parent or the applicant and need not be an “official” financial statement.
- A letter of recommendation from a Jewish Educator, Rabbi, synagogue board member, or another Jewish professional. NOTE: If this cannot be obtained call JCFW for assistance determining what would qualify as a recommendation.
- The JCFW Grant Committee may request a personal or zoom interview.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Applicants must be under 25
- This grant must be made to an eligible 501(c)(3)
- Cover letter
- Contact information
- Proposed use of funds
- Amount requested
Questions regarding requirements and applications are to be addressed to: