JCFW & Merrill Lynch

Portfolio Options & Overview
Portfolio A
Investment Objective: Long-Term Growth
Risk Tolerance: Aggressive
Time Horizon: 10+ Years
Portfolio A is designed for investors with a long-term growth objective. Utilizing a ‘hybrid’ approach, it combines active portfolio management via SMA strategies, as well as passive ETFs measured against their respective benchmarks. Consisting primarily of Equity positions (domestic and non-US), it also blends in Fixed Income and Alternative sleeves to provide protection and balance.
Portfolio B
Investment Objective: Total Return
Rick Tolerance: Moderate
Time Horizon: 5-10 Years
Portfolio B is designed for investors with a balanced risk/reward objective. Focusing less on long-term growth, Portfolio B aims to provide capital appreciation via dividends, interest, and long-term price appreciation. Utilizing a ‘hybrid’ approach, it combines active portfolio management via SMA strategies, as well as passive ETFs measured against their respective benchmarks. Portfolio allocation will generally carry similar weights to Equities (domestic and non-US) and Fixed Income. A third sleeve of ‘Alternative’ investments can be used to provide even further diversification.
Portfolio C
Investment Objective: Income/Total Return
Risk Tolerance: Conservative
Time Horizon: 1-5 Years
Portfolio C is designed for investors with a low tolerance for risk and aim to achieve growth primarily via dividends and interest. While time frames can vary, most investors in Portfolio C have a shorter investment time horizon than those who prefer more aggressive portfolios. Utilizing a ‘hybrid’ approach, it combines active portfolio management via SMA strategies, as well as passive ETFs measured against their respective benchmarks. Portfolio C’s allocation will have a higher weighting to Fixed Income but also include Equities (domestic and non-US). A tactical cash sleeve may also be used at times to provide greater downside protection and diversification.
Portfolio D
Investment Objective: Principal Preservation
Risk Tolerance: Conservative
Time Horizon: Less than 2 years
Portfolio D is designed to provide liquidity through the preservation of principal. Investing only in cash and short-term “cash-like” equivalents, Portfolio D is for investors with a conservative risk tolerance and short time horizon. Allocation will be 100% in cash and cash-like investments.
Please contact Michael Ellison, Executive Director, at michael.ellison@jcfwest.org for more information about the portfolio options and your questions related to JCFW’s Investment Policy.
The Jewish Community Foundation of the West (JCFW) is a 501(c)(3) organization that has been assisting organizations and individuals with their philanthropy for over twenty years.
A volunteer board of directors and our Executive Director determine our strategy – through the Merrill Lynch Institutional Investment Advisors.
A low initial investment to begin a fund. For donor-advised funds, a $1000 investment is required, and for an endowment, $10,000. Funds with balances below $500,000 are charged 1.25%. Fees are decreased to as low as 0.75% as balances grow.