
JCFW & Merrill Lynch


Portfolio Options & Overview

Portfolio A 

Investment Objective: Long-Term Growth
Risk Tolerance: Aggressive
Time Horizon: 10+ Years

Portfolio A is designed for investors with a long-term growth objective. Utilizing a ‘hybrid’ approach, it combines active portfolio management via SMA strategies, as well as passive ETFs measured against their respective benchmarks. Consisting primarily of Equity positions (domestic and non-US), it also blends in Fixed Income and Alternative sleeves to provide protection and balance.

Portfolio B 

Investment Objective: Total Return
Rick Tolerance: Moderate
Time Horizon: 5-10 Years

Portfolio B is designed for investors with a balanced risk/reward objective. Focusing less on long-term growth, Portfolio B aims to provide capital appreciation via dividends, interest, and long-term price appreciation. Utilizing a ‘hybrid’ approach, it combines active portfolio management via SMA strategies, as well as passive ETFs measured against their respective benchmarks. Portfolio allocation will generally carry similar weights to Equities (domestic and non-US) and Fixed Income. A third sleeve of ‘Alternative’ investments can be used to provide even further diversification.

Portfolio C 

Investment Objective: Income/Total Return
Risk Tolerance: Conservative
Time Horizon: 1-5 Years

Portfolio C is designed for investors with a low tolerance for risk and aim to achieve growth primarily via dividends and interest. While time frames can vary, most investors in Portfolio C have a shorter investment time horizon than those who prefer more aggressive portfolios. Utilizing a ‘hybrid’ approach, it combines active portfolio management via SMA strategies, as well as passive ETFs measured against their respective benchmarks. Portfolio C’s allocation will have a higher weighting to Fixed Income but also include Equities (domestic and non-US). A tactical cash sleeve may also be used at times to provide greater downside protection and diversification.

Portfolio D 

Investment Objective: Principal Preservation
Risk Tolerance: Conservative
Time Horizon: Less than 2 years

Portfolio D is designed to provide liquidity through the preservation of principal. Investing only in cash and short-term “cash-like” equivalents, Portfolio D is for investors with a conservative risk tolerance and short time horizon. Allocation will be 100% in cash and cash-like investments.

Please contact Michael Ellison, Executive Director, at for more information about the portfolio options and your questions related to JCFW’s Investment Policy.

The Jewish Community Foundation of the West (JCFW) is a 501(c​)(3) organization that has been assisting organizations and individuals with their philanthropy for over twenty years.

A volunteer board of directors and our Executive Director determine our strategy – through the Merrill Lynch Institutional Investment Advisors.

A low initial investment to begin a fund. For donor-advised funds, a $1000 investment is required, and for an endowment, $10,000. Funds with balances below $500,000 are charged 1.25%. Fees are decreased to as low as 0.75% as balances grow.