Life & Legacy Program

Life & Legacy

Life & Legacy is a national program initiated and supported by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation that brings training, resources, and accountability to our area to help participating organizations grow and maintain planned giving programs with a focus on after-lifetime gifts. Eleven community organizations are participating in this program within Northern California and neighboring States.
- Congregation Ahavath Beth Israel
- Congregation B’nai Israel
- Congregation Bet Haverim
- Congregation Beth Shalom
- Hillel at Davis and Sacramento
- Jewish Federation of the Sacramento Region
- Knesset Israel Torah Center
- Mosaic Law Congregation
- North Tahoe Hebrew Congregation
- Shalom School
- Temple Or Rishon
Creating a Legacy Gift is a process that every person can undertake. Consider leaving a percentage of your estate to your favorite charities through a will or trust. Assign a charity as the beneficiary of a portion of your retirement fund or life insurance policy. There is no expectation of payment while you are living, and your heirs can benefit from the lesson of philanthropy just as much as from a cash inheritance.
By participating in the Planned Giving program, your organization is required to:
- Establish Endowments Funds for the benefit of the congregation’s sustainability and longevity
- Plan and actively work for the future as you continue to meet today’s needs
- Dedicate professional and volunteer resources to build endowments so organizations will be financially stable in the
future - Work collaboratively with one another, sharing ideas and resources so all will thrive
- Engage in meaningful legacy conversations with your most loyal donors, allowing them to tell their Jewish stories and reflect on the impact your organization has had on their lives
- Secure legacy commitments from loyal donors
- Learn to effectively recognize, appreciate, and steward your donors, so they stay engaged with your organization throughout their life
- Integrate legacy giving into the philanthropic culture of your organization