
Life & Legacy Lives On

Life & Legacy

Life & Legacy

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Message From Our Board

“Our Foundation is committed to ensuring our Jewish culture, history, community organizations, synagogues, and Torah teaching will continue forever through the Life & Legacy program.”

Life & Legacy Mission Of JCFW

With JCFW’s guidance, people of all ages and means can make individual legacy plans that support the causes and organizations that fuel their passion and shape their lives.

About The Program

The Life & Legacy program does more than encourage Jewish communities to have legacy conversations with their most loyal donors. It provides the structure, training, mentoring, and monetary incentives to ensure a Jewish community’s success in integrating legacy giving into its philanthropic culture. Life & Legacy is a community-building enterprise that emphasizes collaboration and works to create a united and strong Jewish community for future generations.

  • Two types of Planned Giving Programs that are available to your members:
    • Life – The members will start their journey now, seeing the benefits of their giving today so that upon their passing it will automatically carry over into the LEGACY program following the instructions in their LOC.
    • Legacy – The member’s distribution occurs upon their passing following the instructions in their LOC.

A Letter of Confirmation (LOC) is a document signed by the member(s) that illustrates their intention upon their passing to direct a percentage or dollars from their estate for the benefit of the Congregation or Organization Planned Giving Legacy Program. One of the main purposes of the Planned Giving Committee/Board is to ensure each interested member receives a copy of the LOC with the initial engagement.

What To Expect From JCFW

The JCFW Planned Giving Team will be responsible for administrating the program as well as coaching and mentoring legacy teams from the participating local organizations by establishing incentive goals and reporting procedures, planning and implementing community-wide events, and holding group gatherings as needed to ensure a successful Life & Legacy program thrives.