Donate To Your Fund Of Choice

Within the Jewish Community Foundation of the West, there are several ways you can donate and support our community needs locally, regionally, nationally, or globally.

Donate to An Existing Fund
JCFW has dozens of funds that have been created to help support a wide range of Jewish nonprofits, scholarships for students and so much more.  Review our list of endowments and we invite you to give a little or give a lot.

Donate to the JCFWs Unrestricted Endowment Fund
Like many foundations, JCFW wants to be able to support community programs that are making a difference in the lives of people.

Open Your Fund
Start your philanthropic journey. Creating your own fund will go a long way in making a difference in the lives of everyday people and organizations. To open a Donor Advised Fund, Endowment, or Organizational Endowment, request the form to [email protected], complete it, and sign it.

Funding Your Donation
The Jewish Foundation of the West accepts Credit Cards, Checks, wire transfers, and stocks.

Paying by Credit Card, please note that, credit card processing fees are charged by the processor. The fees are 2.2% + $.30 for non-American Express transactions and 3.5% for American Express transactions.  The fees are deducted from your donation.

If paying by check, federal banking laws, we can only accept checks made payable to “Jewish Community Foundation of the West”. To identify which fund the gift is for, please either write the name of the fund on the check memo line or attach a note.  Please mail your check to JCFW, Attention Michael Ellison Executive Director, 2130 21st Street, Sacramento CA 95818.

If making a stock donation, request the "Authorize an Asset Transfer to JCFW" form to [email protected] and follow the directions.

The Jewish Community Foundation of the West is a nonprofit organization dedicated to making our community stronger through philanthropy. The Jewish Community Foundation of the West is a tax-exempt public charity under the Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (c)(3) and is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Please contact your own tax advisor for additional information.  The tax ID number is 68-0445835.

At the Jewish Community of the West, we seek to guarantee a Jewish tomorrow through the creation of a culture of legacy within the community by empowering individuals and organizations to engage in effective, meaningful giving.